As parents, we take serious the upbringing of our children. If not us, who? We give clothes, healthy food, exercise, social interaction, fun, workshops, and make sure they are educated. Our kids are not only comprised of a body and a mind, but also a soul. Just like we are born with a physical body, we are born with a spiritual void that includes God's law written on their hearts (Romans 2:14-15). They will not have a natural desire to seek spiritual things on their own, but because of dissatisfaction will live their lives trying to satisfy themselves with other things.
I have heard parents say, "I am going to let my child choose for themselves their religion when they are grown." What a contradictory idea. Would we sit to the side during the first 20 years of their life while they choose chocolate instead of vegetables, or television instead of school? No, because it is our responsibility as parents to educate our kids in those things that are for their own good.
Proverbs 22:6,
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it."
I wonder if we have taken care of our Childs well being in regard to their physical and educational needs while we have forgotten the spiritual? It is not too late! We have to educate the "whole being" -- body, mind, and soul. This program is designed to this end.
These are the questions we try to answer, "Who is God? and what does this have to do with me?"
We use only the Bible, and facts that we find in the pages of it without inserting any other opinion or doctrine. We do this in a bilingual format (English and Portuguese), your child will learn Bible stories, sing, and acquire a new vocabulary by playing educational games and doing crafts.
Are you looking for something to do on the weekend as a family? The activities are appropriate for children ages 4-10, but we invite parents and siblings to participate as well. Every Sunday at 11h.
Enroll your kids free of charge, or simply show up and try it out. (This online enrollment is only for the teachers to prepare the correct amount of materials needed.)